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Our workshops offer an interactive hands-on, learning experience that promotes collaboration, practical application, and customization to meet the specific needs of participants.

Every workshop covers a specific topic related to explosive strength and speed training.

In particular, we organise two types of workshops. The first type focuses on the application of exercises for different target muscle groups and movement patterns. The second type focuses on new principles of speed and explosive strength training from idea to execution.

Workshops are led by Srdjan Djordjevic, are approximately 1h long and have a Q&A session at the end.

Potentiation training strategy

This online workshop will explore the concept of training with potentiation as a key factor in achieving explosive strength, increasing speed, and mastering new movement patterns in a more efficient way. Potentiation, a little-known phenomenon, has the potential to revolutionize athletic training by providing an effective solution to the problem of fatigue.

Target exercises for acceleration and deceleration

Movement performance mainly depends on acceleration and deceleration because any change of direction is essential in sports such as football, soccer, basketball, tennis and athletics.

Take the opportunity to learn from the world-renowned coach.